Saravanan Shanmugam
Anvis. I have no idea what that name means literally but for me, personally, it means miracle. I had hired a pet relocation company to relocate my son from India to Europe and that man totally botched up all the documents, lied about the blood test dates and made my son sit in the pet boarding for six months. I suffered without even seeing my son and he suffered a very bad fate of loneliness and possibly thought that I had abandoned him. I was hesitant to hire another relocation company because then the documentation process would be reset but after the previous company pushed the envelope too far, I finally contacted Anvis. Assisted promptly by Meena, the process started with a slight delay due to Deepavali but after I spoke to the executive, Sundar and requested him to expedite, the process went full blast. Even I did not expect the speed. Sundar perused all the documents thoroughly and verified everything with me and with the European side as well. This man actually went through all the fine prints to ensure that my son doesn’t get stuck at the local border here. It is a very very serious matter if he had gotten stuck at the customs, here due to documentation problems. On the day when he reached the customs, they just lifted my son’s crate from the plane and put it in the warehouse. They didn’t even let him out for his breaks. He passed motion in the crate and was cringing in a corner when I found him six hours later. That is how long the documentation process over here took with the correct documents. Just imagine what all could happen if there were some problems with the documents. Before I even sent the first document, Sundar told me that it will take at least three weeks. Four weeks. That’s what it took for me to see, touch and hold my son finally after a excruciating ordeal of six months because of the negligence of the previous company. My son is safely lying on my bed with me, soundly sleeping in peace instead of being on the cold cement floor of the pet boarding, all because of Anvis. When I got into the car with him at the cargo terminal and video called Anvis, Meena answered, I couldn’t control my tears. Each one of my tears of gratitude. Lots of people are accused for setting their kids up for adoption instead of taking them abroad. Nobody understands the documentation process, formalities and expenses involved but for those who are willing to go beyond all that for their kids, I and my son stand testament for Anvis. Yes. They did charge me for their service but today, with my son safely with me, I honestly accept the people of Anvis as my good friends for their exceptional service and dedication. There is no price or substitute for that. Especially in situations as this when it concerns a living being. God bless all of them and more.